Enjoying FlorenceDave CosentinoSep 27, 2019Updated: Sep 28, 2019 Nearing the end of this tour, some great images/memories and great food (which we'll get to later because this tour needs an entry dedicated to food). Please visit our Tours section if you'd like to embark on a 2020 adventure.Florence - Piazza Santa Croce Florence - Piazza Santa CroceMeal in Florence at il Santo BevitoreMeal in Florence at il Santo BevitoreDinner in Florence Trattoria Dall'osteShopping, Florence markets
Nearing the end of this tour, some great images/memories and great food (which we'll get to later because this tour needs an entry dedicated to food). Please visit our Tours section if you'd like to embark on a 2020 adventure.Florence - Piazza Santa Croce Florence - Piazza Santa CroceMeal in Florence at il Santo BevitoreMeal in Florence at il Santo BevitoreDinner in Florence Trattoria Dall'osteShopping, Florence markets